Regional Western Australia is set to benefit from a new $16 million Regional Film Fund, designed to drive production, investment and job creation across country WA.
Member for Kalgoorlie, Wendy Duncan MLA, said the innovative initiative, made possible through funding from the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program, aimed to give WA the edge in a highly competitive international industry.
Funding from Royalties For Regions and ScreenWest has already chalked up significant achievements, with the highly anticipated feature films Jasper Jones (shot in the South West), Red Dog:True Blue (Pilbara) and Breath (Great Southern) due for release over the next 12 months.
“This additional Royalties for Regions funding will enhance regional Western Australia’s presence in producing Australian and international feature films, television series and documentaries,” Ms Duncan said.
“The Goldfields region offers a spectacular backdrop for such projects and I look forward with great anticipation to the investment and exposure that this will attract.”
Western Australia film producer, Roderick McKay, also welcomed the announcement. His company is working on a film about the Afghan Cameleers in the Northern Goldfields.
Mr McKay said “Film is ideally suited to place making, emotionally and aesthetically exploring who we are, who we were and ultimately enriching the Western Australian identity, so much of which has been formed in the regions. Considering the highly unique and deeply rich history of the Goldfields, which is yet to be explored in film, this is truly exciting.”
Ms Duncan said that ScreenWest will manage the Fund on behalf of the Department of Regional Development for the benefit of regional communities.
More information can be accessed by visiting
For media enquiries contact Wendy Duncan MLA on 0438 782 034 or Roderick McKay on 0439 735 399.