Save our Rescue Helicopter Success
The South West will get to keep its rescue helicopter after the McGowan Government caved to community pressure and a strong campaign from The Nationals WA. Nationals Member for the…
DetailsThe South West will get to keep its rescue helicopter after the McGowan Government caved to community pressure and a strong campaign from The Nationals WA. Nationals Member for the…
DetailsNationals WA Emergency Services spokesperson Colin de Grussa MLC is calling for aState Government response to the Economic Regulation Authority’s recent review of theEmergency Service Levy. The review made 27…
DetailsThe Labor Government is under increasing pressure to fund the South West Emergency Rescue Helicopter’s operation beyond June 2018. Under questioning yesterday from Nationals WA Member for Warren-Blackwood Terry Redman,…
DetailsThe Labor Government is under increasing pressure to fund the South West Emergency Rescue Helicopter’s operation beyond June 2018. Under questioning yesterday from Nationals WA Member for Warren-Blackwood Terry Redman,…
DetailsThe Nationals WA are moving to protect businesses from the full brunt of cruel payroll tax hikes being imposed by the McGowan Government. Treasury and finance spokesman Terry Redman will…
DetailsMember for Warren-Blackwood, Terry Redman is a great advocate of regional childcare services saying they deliver enjoyable social times for children, and provide choices for parents to participate in activities…
DetailsNationals WA member for the Agricultural Region Hon Martin Aldridge MLC is ramping up pressure on the State Government to clarify how Community Resources Centres (CRC) will be impacted by…
DetailsMember for Warren-Blackwood, Terry Redman extends his congratulations to all newly elected and re-elected local government councillors. “Putting yourself forward to run for Council can be daunting, and I commend…
DetailsMember for Warren-Blackwood, Terry Redman is frustrated with the removal of the on-line Royalties for Regions investment map and is critical of the McGowan Labor Party for their lack of…
DetailsMember for Warren-Blackwood, Terry Redman made the point in Parliament that the recently tabled McGowan Labor Party’s Jobs Bill is full of rhetoric but lacks substance. Mr Redman also stressed…