Labor urged to reimburse regional seniors slugged with excess fees
The Nationals WA have urged the McGowan Government to stop attacking the hip pocket of some regional seniors after it was revealed they were being slugged $280 for what is…
DetailsThe Nationals WA have urged the McGowan Government to stop attacking the hip pocket of some regional seniors after it was revealed they were being slugged $280 for what is…
DetailsThe Nationals WA have called on the McGowan Government to accelerate an expanded rollout of antivenom stocks across regional Western Australia as the weather warms up and snakes become more…
DetailsThe release of the independent review into Australia’s live animal export industry, conducted by Phillip Moss AM, is an important step toward stabilising the sector, according to The Nationals WA.…
DetailsThe release of the independent review into Australia’s live animal export industry, conducted by Phillip Moss AM, is an important step toward stabilising the sector, according to The Nationals WA.…
DetailsThe long term and dedicated efforts of the Green Head Coastcare Group has seen the completion of a spectacular 2.5 kilometre coastal walkway in Green Head that will both showcase…
DetailsThe Nationals WA have held talks with the Federal Agriculture Minister in Canberra, encouraging him to come to Western Australia as soon as possible to meet with sheep producers and…
DetailsThe Nationals WA have welcomed the opening of the new Karratha Health Campus, a project made entirely possible by Royalties for Regions. Deputy Leader Jacqui Boydell attended today’s opening and said the…
DetailsThe Nationals WA have expressed concern after the Minister for Emergency Services barred visiting MPs from meeting with local emergency services volunteers in the Pilbara this week. Spokesperson for Emergency…
DetailsStarting Sunday, Leader Mia Davies and the entire Nationals WA team will spend three days in the Pilbara as part of the Party’s Regional Cabinet series. Ms Davies said the…
DetailsMember for Warren-Blackwood, Terry Redman is pleased the McGowan Government has supported his call for an enquiry into issues affecting short stay accommodation providers. “I have been approached by a…