The Nationals WA have always had a focus on agriculture, a sector worth more than $8 billion to our economy each year. But our support doesn’t stop at farmers, pastoralists and horticulturalists. We back all food and fibre sectors including fishing and aquaculture, sustainable forestry, wool production, apiculture and the broader domestic food and beverage industry. Together these sectors employ almost 190,000 people.
It is vital to assist primary industries take advantage of increasing global demand for food and fibre products and develop market opportunities in Asia, the Middle East and other new markets through developing supply chains and building the reputation of our clean, green production.
We understand the importance of biosecurity with a focus on managing our state and international borders to safeguard these valuable commodities. We must have the capacity and resources to detect, respond and destroy any incursions in an effort to safeguard our agriculture sector.
2020 State Conference Motion – The Nationals WA acknowledge the effects of climate change on the WA agricultural sector and call on the State Government to implement a range of actions regarding security of water.
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