Five key regional centres will receive an $8.5 million investment to sustain the economic growth and prosperity of Western Australia through Stage Two of the Regional Centres Development Plan (RCDP) made possible by Royalties for Regions.
Nationals Member for the South West Region, Colin Holt MLC, said Stage Two of RCDP would enable Albany, Busselton, Carnarvon, Mandurah and Kununurra to access a share of Royalties for Regions investment to drive the development and growth of their regional centres.
Mr Holt said building a stronger, competitive and resilient network of regional centres was central to the continued economic and social development of regional WA.
“The RCDP aims to strengthen the capacity of strategic regional centres to drive investment, business and employment growth; accommodate regional population growth; and support the efficient delivery of the WA Government’s regional development investment,” Mr Holt said.
“By focussing on sustainable growth in regional centres, communities can develop economic strengths, position themselves as competitive places to live and invest, foster leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship networks, and develop export-orientated industries which are wealth creating.”
Mr Holt said the initiative was an opportunity for the regional centres’ communities, including business, residents, academia and all tiers of government, to determine their direction by working together to identify their special economic and social strengths.
“Regional centres are engines of innovation and economic growth and will provide exciting opportunities for regional centres across the State,” Mr Holt said.
“This initiative is just another example of Royalties for Regions transforming regional communities and I look forward to seeing this investment bring significant social and economic benefits to regional WA.”
Local government authorities, Regional Development Commissions, Chambers of Commerce, Regional Development Australia, universities, Traditional Owners, businesses and residents of the Stage Two regional centres are invited to use this opportunity to develop a collaborative growth agenda that benefits their community and businesses.
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For media enquiries please contact Office of Colin Holt MLC on (08) 9724 1181