Member for Warren-Blackwood, Terry Redman encourages regional pensioners to use the $575 of fuel or taxi travel provided on their Country Age Pension Fuel Card.
The card is available to country pensioners as they do not have the same access to public transport as pensioners in the metropolitan area. Country pensioners often have to rely on their own means to shop, travel to medical appointments or attend social events.
Mr Redman recently asked questions in Parliament to ascertain the take up of the fuel cards in the Warren-Blackwood electorate and to uncover any unexpended value.
“I am thrilled to see most pensioners fully utilise their fuel card, however it has come to light that in the last three years approximately $150,000 per year has been unused,” Mr Redman said.
“When spent in our own communities, this is money that provides an economic benefit to our region.
“I encourage pensioners to fully use their fuel cards, especially as general living costs such as electricity is rising, and this small contribution can make a difference to a household.
“Any money remaining on a card is wiped at the end of the financial year, so it is a matter of ‘use it or lose it’,” Mr Redman said.