Three Goldfields Public Swimming Pools will be sparkling over summer thanks to the Royalties for Regions Community Pool Revitalisation Program.
As part of the Program, 95 pools and water playgrounds across regional Western Australia will share in $2,923,728 of funding.
Member for Kalgoorlie, Wendy Duncan MLA, said that the funding allows for public swimming pools to benefit from pool upgrades and maintenance along with purchasing equipment and investing in staff development.
“This Royalties for Regions program lends a hand to our regional local governments to maintain their public swimming pools and waterparks and upskill their staff – leading to safer, better equipped facilities for local residents and visitors to enjoy,” Ms Duncan said.
Local Governments in the Goldfields to benefit from the Community Pool Revitalisation Program include the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder for the Oasis, the Shire of Laverton for the Laverton Swimming Centre and the Shire of Leonora for the Leonora Aquatic Centre.
Tony Crook, the Nationals candidate for Kalgoorlie, said that the Community Pools program allows eligible regional local governments to apply for up to $32,000 in funding – something which was not available prior to Royalties for Regions.
“The Nationals WA bought this proposal to the table at the State Election in 2013. It has been made possible with $13.2 million over four years through the Royalties for Regions program and has assisted many regional local governments in meeting the costs associated with maintaining their swimming facilities,” said Mr Crook.
Both Ms Duncan and Mr Crook believe that the local governments who have who have been allocated the funding for their swimming pools in the Goldfields region will again see great demand for their use over the summer months, with the Goldfields region expecting high temperatures across the coming week.
Further information about the Community Pool Revitalisation Program can be found at:-
For media enquiries contact Wendy Duncan MLA on 0438 782 034