Aged care in the Shire of Pingelly has received a boost with an investment of $30,000 through the Royalties for Regions program to ensure an outdoor sensory space is incorporated at the new Pingelly Age Appropriate Accommodation.
The space will include a sensory garden, raised vegetable beds, smooth walking paths and ample seating and be based on design principles suggested by the Alzheimer’s Australia SA – sustainability, orientation, accessibility, socialisation, meaningful activity, reminiscence, sensory stimulation and safety.
Member for Central Wheatbelt Mia Davies MLA, who welcomes the Shire of Pingelly into her electorate at the March 2017 election visited the town last week with Member for the Agricultural Region Hon Martin Aldridge MLC and met with Shire Councillors and key stakeholders to discuss the project.
“Funding for the sensory space project has been sourced through the Royalties for Regions Community Chest Fund which allocated a total of $560,874 in the latest round to 21 locally-driven projects in the Wheatbelt Region,” Ms Davies said.
“The additional money builds on $1.75 million already allocated through Royalties for Regions for the new Pingelly Age Appropriate Accommodation so that long term residents can continue living in the community they know and love, close to family and friends.
“I’m delighted that planning for the new facility will include a specially designed outdoor area for all residents and their visitors to enjoy.
“Aged care and health remains a key focus of The Nationals WA. Royalties for Regions investment is enabling seniors to stay comfortably in their towns by providing appropriate health services and facilities and is essential to maintaining strong regional communities.”
Member for Wagin Terry Waldron MLA congratulated the Shire of Pingelly for its successful application and said he looked forward to seeing the completed facility and sensory space.
The Community Chest Fund supports region-specific priorities and provides one-off grants to community, public and not-for-profit organisations to assist the development of infrastructure, services and community projects that help build vibrant regions with strong economies,”
Mr Waldron said.
“This is a highly competitive grant program and I commend the Shire and all stakeholders for securing funding for an important community-driven project.”
For media enquiries please contact Mia Davies on 9622 2871 (Northam office),
9041 1702 (Merredin office) or email