Local Member of Parliament Hon Mia Davies MLA is calling for all young artists from the Central Wheatbelt to nominate for the annual $1000 Sue Muntz Bursary Award.
This Award was initiated in 2014 in respect and as a tribute to the late Sue Muntz of Bruce Rock, and was designed to assist young artists with their artistic career.
“Sue was a passionate artist and long-time member of the Merredin Fine Arts Society, who delighted in sharing her love of art with her friends, family and other art enthusiasts,” Ms Davies said.
“The bursary is a tribute to Sue, so we are seeking applicants who demonstrate the same passion and dedication to art as she did.”
To be eligible for the award, young artists must be between 16 – 24 years of age, a resident of the Central Wheatbelt and are either currently studying or have been accepted to study with a recognised arts tertiary course in 2020.
“This year we are offering two bursaries so I encourage eligible artists to apply,” Ms Davies said.
Digital copies of at least four pieces of work along with an essay of no more than 1000 words, explaining the entrant’s art and community involvement must also be provided.
The bursary may be used for tuition fees, textbooks or equipment required as part of the student’s studies.
“There are many promising young artists within the Central Wheatbelt and I encourage them to take the time to enter,” Ms Davies said.
Entries are now open and will close at 4.00pm on Friday 19th December 2019, with the successful applicants announced in January 2020.
Applications can be submitted via email to mia.davies@mp.wa.gov.au or mailed to The Sue Muntz Bursary, PO Box 66, Merredin WA 6415.