In the wake of the Federal Election The Nationals WA have reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring that families, businesses and communities in regional WA have a strong voice in Canberra.
State President James Hayward said The Nationals WA ran a campaign focused solely on issues important to regional WA.
“Without The Nationals WA, issues such as the Backpacker Tax, regional telecommunications and the GST rip-off simply wouldn’t have been made a priority,” Mr Hayward said.
“Whilst we didn’t get the result we wanted to, we are fighting hard to ensure the major parties take note and respond to regional issues.
“The Nationals WA will never back away from a contest in regional WA and we’ll continue to play an important role in championing regional issues to Canberra.”
Mr Hayward thanked The Nationals WA candidates and the many volunteers for running a short, sharp and strong campaign to bring attention to the issues that are important to families, businesses and communities of regional WA.
“We thank our dedicated team, our volunteers, families and friends who have turned out in support of our campaign over the past eight weeks,” he said.
Initial polling day results provided by the Australian Electoral Commission indicated that The Nationals WA team had been unable to secure the Seats of O’Connor and Durack.
“While we won’t be heading to Canberra this time around, we remain dedicated to ensuring regional issues are on the agenda in Federal Parliament,” Mr Hayward said.
Mr Hayward said The Nationals WA would now await the outcome of the Senate vote.