Greater choice for Central Wheatbelt farmers after GM Act repealed
Member for Central Wheatbelt Mia Davies MLA has hailed the repeal of the Genetically Modified Crops Free Areas Act 2003 as a major win for Central Wheatbelt grain growers. Ms…
Member for Central Wheatbelt Mia Davies MLA has hailed the repeal of the Genetically Modified Crops Free Areas Act 2003 as a major win for Central Wheatbelt grain growers. Ms…
NATIONALS Member for the South West Region Colin Holt MLC is urging dairy processors to work with the State and Federal Agriculture Ministers to deliver a swift resolution to the…
Patients across the Kimberley Region will soon benefit from nearly $10 million for two new renal facilities, to be delivered to the Derby and Fitzroy Crossing communities. Member for the…
Mining and Pastoral Region residents are now able to see Royalties for Regions projects transforming their communities, thanks to today’s launch of an online mapping application. Member for the Mining…
Dryandra Woodland, located between Narrogin and Williams, is set to become the Wheatbelt’s first ever national park. Dryandra Woodland is recognised as one of WA’s most important wildlife conservation areas.…
Member for Moore Shane Love MLA has hailed the repeal of the Genetically Modified Crops Free Areas Act 2003 as a major win for WA’s grains sector. 1 The Nationals…
Farmers in the shires of Jerramungup, Gnowangerup, Lake Grace and Kulin are now eligible to receive assistance for locust control. Member for Wagin Terry Waldron MLA said the State Government…
Residents from across regional WA can now see the Royalties for Regions projects transforming their communities, thanks to the launch of an online mapping application. Member for Moore Shane…
A new brand promoting Western Australian produce to overseas export markets is set to help firmly put the State’s agrifood sector on the world map. Western Australia Worth Sharing…
Member for Wagin Terry Waldron MLA has said applications had opened for the State Government’s Watering WA Towns grants program. “This initiative is providing $21.6 million towards developing water sources…