Work begins on $7.8 million Collie hospital upgrade
Health service to remain fully operational during building
Project expected to support up to 200 jobs during construction
Work is underway on a $7.8 million redevelopment of the Collie Health Service that will transform the hospital into a contemporary, best-practice healthcare facility.
Kicking off the building project today, Health Minister John Day and Regional Development Minister Terry Redman said BCG Construction had won the tender for the main works, which would allow the health service to remain fully operational during construction.
“This investment will provide improved facilities for patients in need of immediate care, with the staged program of works including a major refurbishment of the Emergency Department (ED), plus a new administration centre and hospital entry,” Mr Day said.
“It is expected the $7.8 million revamp will support up to 200 jobs during construction.”
Regional Development Minister Terry Redman said the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program was investing in strategic regional health initiatives to enhance health care in regional Western Australia.
“The latest infrastructure supports health services that deliver modern, efficient and interconnected patient diagnoses and care,” Mr Redman said.
“Once completed, the new Collie Health Service will help attract and retain medical and nursing staff, building a skilled workforce to meet the growing needs of the community.”
The redevelopment is being undertaken as part of the Southern Inland Health Initiative’s (SIHI) $300 million infrastructure program to improve hospitals and health services in 37 towns across the Wheatbelt, Great Southern, Mid-West and South-West. The infrastructure program is one component of the $500 million SIHI, made possible by Royalties for Regions.
The project will occur in three stages: Stage 1, expected to be completed by August 2016, involves fit-out of the new administration centre, hospital entry, ambulance entry, equipment and medical stores; Stage 2 involves the ED refurbishment, including new reception and triage areas, waiting areas and treatment bays; and Stage 3 includes the completion of the ED refurbishment.
Construction is due to be completed in June 2017.
Fact File
SIHI is also funding a new hospital in Manjimup – the Warren Health Service
For more information, visit http://www.health.wa.gov.au/southerninland or Bigger Picture – Health