The community of Onslow is set to benefit from a major investment by private business which will create opportunities for more than 100 local workers over three stages.
Onslow Marine Support Base Pty Ltd (OMSB), a privately owned Western Australian company, has begun construction of a world class marine supply base facility in Onslow’s Beadon Creek, following the signing of a long term lease and operator deed with Agility Logisitics, one of the world’s largest logistics and freight forwarding providers.
Member for North West Central, Vince Catania MLA joined Member for Pilbara Brendon Grylls MLA, OMSB Director Andrew Natta and Agility Logistics Australasia CEO Frank Guerra to announce the signing of the lease this week.
Mr Catania said the Onslow Marine Support Base (OMSB) would invest over $120 million into developing infrastructure to position Onslow as a major support hub for the offshore oil and gas industry.
“Onslow is well placed, geographically and logistically, to welcome a business such as the OMSB, which will offer job opportunities for local workers and have significant flow on effects to the community and the region,” Mr Catania said.
Onslow Marine Support Base is centred around three interconnected stages:
- Stage 1: Beadon Creek Marine Base $25m investment with 32 direct operational jobs
- Stage 2: Industrial Developments circa $70m investment with 49 direct operational jobs
- Stage 3: Outer Harbour Capital Dredge circa $27m investment with 109 direct operational jobs
Stage 1 works are well underway with clearing ground works on the leasehold area completed last month, as a precursor to site development at the front edge of the Beadon Creek facility.
“Stage 1 and 2 will include a 2.6ha site in Beadon Creek developed into a marine support base comprising of 204m of quay line, LCT ramps, laydown area, fuels and heavy lift capabilities,” Mr Catania said.
“The most significant stage would see capital dredging improvements to the Beadon Creek harbour waterways, enabling Onslow to service the fleet of vessels operating in adjacent waterways.
“These works will provide the essential link to enable Onslow to become a major service hub for the long term maintenance and operations of the local oil and gas industry.”
Mr Catania said the OMSB had a significant geographical advantage in a global oil and gas market.
“Onslow’s proximity means oil and gas companies looking for savings will quickly turn to local services – which could be turned around in a much shorter time-frame, removing the multi-day journey to reach international services,” Mr Catania said.
OMSB Director Andrew Natta said the project would increase economic activity in WA’s North West.
“The OMSB will be a game-changer for WA’s overall competitiveness in the oil and gas sector, allowing larger vessels to access the Beadon Creek facility and its cost advantages, which will greatly increase its economic activity,” Mr Natta said.
Member for Pilbara, Brendon Grylls MLA said State Government investment through Royalties for Regions had paved the way for a project like this to be delivered.
“Royalties for Regions investment in Onslow’s infrastructure and land supply has made it development ready for such a transformative project,” Mr Grylls said.
“The OMSB will create long-term, local jobs and deliver economic benefit to the entire region. I welcome the commitment and thank both OMSB and Agility for putting this project together and I look forward to working with all stakeholders to deliver ongoing benefits to Onslow and the State’s north.”
OMSB has issued the construction works and dredging contract with completion anticipated to be early third quarter 2017.