Local Member Terry Waldron MLA has welcomed a grant for the Gnowangerup Resource Centre for the Gnowangerup Summer Fair, from the State Government’s Road Safety Community Grants Program.
A $900 grant has been allocated to help promote road safety in the Wagin electorate, at the local fair.
“The Gnowangerup Summer Fair is a community driven event aimed at celebrating the Shire and its people. The fatigue road safety message will be promoted at this event,” Mr Waldron said.
Twenty-three WA community groups will share in $49,570 in the latest round of the State Government’s road safety grants, which support Western Australian communities locally producing projects that have a focus on road safety.
“Road safety is a shared responsibility and these grants will continue to encourage community groups to participate in a range of road safety initiatives,” Mr Waldron said.
A total of $360,000 is available from the Road Trauma Trust Account, for community groups under the Road Safety Community Grants Program in the 2016/17 financial year.
To see a full list of recipients in this round of the grants please visit – https://www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/Barnett/2016/10/Local-road-safety-projects-boosted-by-grants.aspx
For media enquiries contact Terry Waldron on 9881 1225 or email terry.waldron@mp.wa.gov.au or Peter Rundle on M: 0418 959 810 or E: peter.rundle@nationalswa.com