Community projects in Esperance, Ravensthorpe, Coolgardie, Leonora and Kalgoorlie-Boulder will be among those to benefit from the latest round of grants through the Goldfields-Esperance Regional Grants Scheme, made possible by Royalties for Regions.
Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region Dave Grills MLC said the Regional Grants Scheme provided one-off grants to community, public and not for profit organisations to improve and develop infrastructure and services in the region.
“The scheme provides grants of between $50,001 and $300,000 to support region-specific projects that are driven by local communities,” Mr Grills said.
“In total, over $1.6 million will be invested over the next two years in the Goldfields-Esperance region as part of the latest round of the Regional Grants Scheme.
“It’s great to see funds flowing to communities, large and small, across the region for important, capacity-building projects.”
Projects supported through the Regional Grants Scheme in the Goldfields-Esperance region include:
Esperance Volunteer Sea Search and Rescue Group Inc. – $300,000 towards New Rescue Vessel
Goldfields Individual and Family Support Assoc. Inc. – $135,000 towards engagement of a Behaviours Support Consultant
Shire of Leonora – $300,000 towards restoration works for Sons of Gwalia headframe
Wilurarra Creative, Warburton Community Inc. – $266,600 towards the establishment of a Social Enterprise Salon in Warburton Community
Life Without Barriers – $77,620 – towards Return to Country bush camps for at risk youth
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Urban Landcare Group – $108,939.78 towards an Eco-Education Centre for Karlkurla Bushland Park
Arts and Culture Goldfields Assoc. (Artgold) – $120,000 towards Heartwalk, a two year public art project to assist in revitalisation of CKB in Kalgoorlie
Royal Flying Doctor Service Australia – $101,981 towards essential medical equipment for Kalgoorlie base and aircraft
St Johns Ambulance Kambalda Sub-Centre – $130,932 towards upgrades to the centre
Ravensthorpe Progress Association – $87,423.36 towards the Streetscape Art project
Nationals WA Candidate for Roe Peter Rundle said the Regional Grants Scheme assisted in attracting investment, increasing job opportunities and improving the quality of life in the regions.
“This funding will support dedicated community organisations in making the Goldfields-Esperance region a better place to live and will contribute towards the long-term sustainability and vibrancy of the region,” Mr Rundle said.
“I am pleased to see Royalties for Regions investing in such a diverse range of projects that will enhance the region and support local-decision making.”
The State Government, through the Royalties for Regions program, will invest $10 million into the Regional Grants Scheme for the 2016-17 financial year.
Since 2009, the Royalties for Regions program has allocated $6.9 billion into more than 3,700 projects across regional WA.
For media enquiries contact Dave Grills MLC on (08) 9071 500 or email