Why the Nats want a fair deal for State’s resources
It is time to challenge the historical arrangements for revenue received by the people of WA for the right to mine and export our natural resources. I supported the Premier…
It is time to challenge the historical arrangements for revenue received by the people of WA for the right to mine and export our natural resources. I supported the Premier…
Member for Wagin Terry Waldron MLA has welcomed a $150,000 grant for the Kaata-Koorliny Enterprise and Employment Development Aboriginal Corporation (KAATA), in Narrogin. Mr Waldron said the local grant, which…
Member for Wagin Terry Waldron MLA has welcomed the official launch of the Ageing in the Bush Report. Mr Waldron said the report, launched by Minister for Regional Development Terry…
Two Goldfields organisations committed to tackling family and domestic violence in the community are beneficiaries of the latest round of the State Government’s Crime Prevention Grants. In congratulating the Laverton…
The Kalgoorlie-Boulder Aboriginal short stay facility will undergo a $1.3million upgrade made possible by Royalties for Regions. Member for Kalgoorlie, Wendy Duncan MLA, said the facility had keys handed over…
Mid West Sports Federation (MWSF) are the latest Geraldton recipients of the Mid West region’s Community Chest Fund (CCF), made possible by the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program. MWSF…
Year 12 students will be included for the first time in the State Government’s successful training scholarship program, which encourages women into trade and industry areas with low female participation.…
Delivery of essential services, information and activities to regional and remote communities will continue, thanks to a $56 million Liberal National Government Royalties for Regions investment in the Western Australian…
Minister for Sport and Recreation, Hon Mia Davies MLA officially ‘turned on the lights’ at Wonthella Oval yesterday. The 500 lux flood lighting project totalled $1.5million and allows the oval…
Households in Kalgoorlie-Boulder used 100 million litres less water in 2016, compared with the same eight-month period last year. Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region Dave Grills MLC…