Rural WA to benefit from telecommunications fund
Member for Moore Shane Love MLA has welcomed news of the State Government’s new $22 million Royalties for Regions-backed telecommunications fund. Mr Love said the fund set out to improve…
Member for Moore Shane Love MLA has welcomed news of the State Government’s new $22 million Royalties for Regions-backed telecommunications fund. Mr Love said the fund set out to improve…
Member for Moore Shane Love MLA has welcomed $15 million Royalties for Regions funding for the upgrade of Agricultural Lime Route 2 from Lancelin. The funds will allow for the upgrade…
Member for Central Wheatbelt Mia Davies says the first year of Water Corporation’s $32 million three-year farmlands water supply improvement program has created new business for local Wheatbelt contractors. Of…
The Nationals WA Candidate for Albany Robbie Sutton has today unveiled a $45 million plan to reduce congestion and improve road safety in Albany. The Albany Ring Road, Range Road and Parker St/Hanrahan road, in conjunction with…
The Nationals WA have today reaffirmed their commitment to ensure regional residents are adequately and effectively represented in the State Parliament. Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region Dave Grills…
More than half a million dollars of Royalties for Regions funding will bring an extra 16 million litres of non-potable water online to irrigate open space in Wongan Hills. The…
The Nationals WA will invest $61 million to improve regional road safety across regional WA if returned to Government at the State election. Leader of Party, Brendon Grylls said today’s…
The Shire of Boddington will receive $171,569 in Royalties for Regions funding from the Watering WA Towns program to pipe water from the Boddington Dam to irrigate the town oval…
The Nationals WA Candidate for Albany Robbie Sutton will commit $23 million to the Albany and Great Southern Renewable Energy Project if elected as local Member at the State election. …
It was a significant day for Bakers Hill yesterday when it marked the start of a public consultation process to shape its 10-year community plan. Member for Central Wheatbelt Mia…